Bolsa Chica Birding

Bolsa Chica in the winter is a sight to behold. Everywhere you turn, there’s a different kind of migratory bird exploring the wetlands near Huntington Beach, CA.

I woke up early this Friday morning and headed out that way. Leah asked if it was going to rain and I confidently said that “nope, it rained last night, it isnt supposed to rain this morning.” Turns out, I was incorrect.

I got to the preserve at around 8am and started walking out along the trail and about a quarter mile in, it started raining, lightly at first, but it quickly developed into a full on downpour. Well, cant control the weather. I headed back towards the truck. As I did, the rain let up. I had a choice to make: Do I chance it and head back out or just call the day a wash and just head home? I decided to stay at it and see what happens. Very happy with that choice, as I ended up finding some of the most unique birds that I’ve ever shot.

Not really sure what this guy is. Gotta be some kind of crane.

Found a bunch more herons, cranes and egrets.

My favorite guy to shoot of the day was this Peregrine Falcon, munching on his breakfast. Climbed a tree to get a better vantage point at him. Not the ideal angle, but really happy with the clarity of these shots.

My shot of the day: this Belted Kingfisher showing off his catch. Got really lucky with this guy, turned and saw him at just the right time.

That’s all for this time. Happy new year.

  • Kevin


Leah’s Pregnancy Shoot


Midwest Birding in December